In an evening packed with lump-inthroat moments, three in particular stood out. Tamana Chona, a young school teacher who was born with cerebral palsy, had just handed over The Times of India Social Impact Award for education in the government category to the National Institute of Open Schooling, represented by its chairperson Dr S S Jena. Tamana gave him a quick hug, then marched over to the lectern and said she wanted to say a few words. It wasn't part of the programme but the host for the evening—National Awardwinning film-maker Prakash Jha, who has directed some of Indian cinema's most hard-hitting, socially relevant movies—graciously made way for her.
Tamana spoke haltingly but emphatically. "I have come a long way thanks to Dr Jena, who is my role model, and my mom and dad, who have helped me to shine. I want to learn more and more and I want to help street children and all the people associated with NIOS." She then asked the audience to join her in three cheers for NIOS. As she walked off the stage, Jha said with admiration, "What a brave girl. I'm positive she would have done a better job of hosting these awards."
When it was time to give the environment award in the NGO category, Sarjubai Meena strode on to the stage. Known in her village in Bhilwara as the "woman with the turban", Sarjubai launched into an impromptu speech about how the Foundation for Ecological Security—the awardee in the category—had helped transform her village. Unfortunately, few in the audience were able to understand the dialect that she spoke in. But the pride, determination and sincerity in her voice needed no translation. She received a rousing round of applause, and Jha remarked, "She has certainly earned the right to wear a turban".
The audience was also visibly moved when 11-year-old twins Hiranya and Thiruvara Bhargavi, who were born with cerebral palsy, were brought on to the stage—Hiranya in a wheelchair and Thiruvara in a wheeled stretcher. The twins and their mother, Apala, were there to give the award to the winner forhealth in the government category—the National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities. The stoic courage and fortitude displayed by them moved many to tears.
COUNTERING CYNICISM The second Times of India Social Impact Awards in partnership with J P Morgan made for the sort of evening that could not fail to move and inspire even the most cynical. There were sagas of lives transformed, as in the case of Kapilaben Vankar, who made half the minimum wage in a factory in Anand in 1994, but began to earn decent wages after joining women's trade union SEWA, the winning NGO in the livelihoods category. Once too shy to speak to family members, Kapilaben has risen to become national president of SEWA, travelled to Washington and met US secretary of state Hillary Clinton.
And there were, quite literally, life-anddeath stories like that of Rajesh Shah, a chartered accountant from Mumbai, who in June 2005 suddenly collapsed in his office in a congested bylane in central Mumbai. Within 25 minutes, Rajesh was being treated in hospital, thanks to the ambulance service run by the winning corporate in the health sector, Ziqitza Health Care. Doctors later told him that he had suffered a stroke and could have been paralysed for life had he been brought even half an hour later.
There were so many inspiring stories that it came as no surprise when President Pranab Mukherjee, the chief guest of the function, hailed the awardees as a remarkable group of men and women who had the vision to look beyond cynicism to a brighter horizon; the courage to brave tremendous odds and believe that they could make a difference, and the selflessness to do so quietly. A LIFETIME OF INSPIRING WORK Congratulating TOI for its efforts to honour individuals and organisations who are silently contributing and creating a society worth living in, the President said it gave him special pleasure to hand over the prize to the joint winners of the Lifetime Achievement Award—Meira Paibi and the Naga Mothers' Association. "They come from a region that tends not to get too much attention in the national media. They have served as peacemakers in a frequently conflict-ridden area. And they are living testimony to the enormous healing power that women have to offer a troubled world," he said. He concluded by telling all the awardees, "I say you have made us proud."
Receiving the award, Naga Mothers' Association president Abeiu Meru said the group was happy and honoured to share it with Meira Paibi and looked forward to promoting peace between the two communities and in the northeast. Thokchom Ramani Leima, 83, who received the award on behalf of Meira Paibi, said, "We are grateful to our sons and daughters at TOI for recognising the efforts of mothers. We ask you to remember us beyond today."
Just as he was about to leave the venue, the President turned to Times Group vice chairman Samir Jain, managing director Vineet Jain and the senior editors of TOI to say, "I was not sure what to expect when you invited me to be chief guest. But this is a wonderful idea. It was very inspiring. Thank you for inviting me. God bless, God bless." No award, but Nirbhaya was on everyone's mind T he evening concluded with a moving rendition of the National Anthem in sign language by children from the Government Secondary School for the Deaf, Kalkaji. Their performance at last year's awards had been hugely appreciated by the audience. Back on popular demand, their enthusiasm and bubbliness once again tugged at many heart-strings.
One person who did not receive an award (as TOI has consciously decided not to confer any posthumous awards) but was repeatedly mentioned was Nirbhaya, the 23-year-old girl whose brutal gang-rape and subsequent death led to an outpouring of public grief and anger.
Singer Rekha Bharadwaj dedicated one of her songs to her. Times Group managing director Vineet Jain began his speech by saying, "We emerged into the new year in a somber mood — our hearts broken by the brutal death of a 23-year-old girl right here in Delhi. But it has been inspirational to see so many young people rise up and decide that this young girl's death must never be forgotten."
And when Prakash Jha introduced singer-lyricist Swanand Kirkire, he did so by saying, "He wrote and sang the song he is about to perform here, in which he apologises to a little bird for the terrible things the world has done to her, and begs her to return. When we hear these words, we can't help but remember Nirbhaya, India's brave daughter."
Delivering the vote of thanks, Times Publishing CEO Ravi Dhariwal invoked Jawaharlal Nehru's words, "The service of India means the service of the millions who suffer...As long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over". He said, "The winners know that their work is far from over. But tomorrow, when they resume their labours, I am sure it will be with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Like them, there are many other individuals and organizations working quietly and selflessly to change this country. We hope that tonight's ceremony will send out a powerful message to them: they are not alone. The Times of India will be with them on every step of their long, arduous journey."

(L-R) Chief election commissioner V S Sampath, Prasar Bharati CEO Jawhar Sircar and foreign secretary Ranjan Mathai

The seniormost Supreme Court judge P Sathasivam with attorney general of India Goolam Vahanvati